Applicant Details

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Applicant Details

Applicant Details page takes all the details of the applicant.

Application Type in the form  displays the various types of applications that can be done.

To make a new application, ‘New’ radio button needs to be selected.

Applicant Type displays the various types of registrations that can be done.

‘Individual’ radio button needs to be selected while registering a individual applicant.

Rest all fields takes the general details of the applicant.

NOTE:(For application type Renewal and Amendment, respective radio buttons must be selected. Similarly, for registration of NGO, SHG, Company, Institution Or Cooperative society, respective radio button must be selected.)

If the application type selected is ‘Renewal’, then the below page is displayed.

If the application type selected is ‘Amendment’, then the below page is displayed.

In both the cases, Licence Number of the applicant needs to be entered and click on the Search button.

The existing details of the applicant gets populated, check the details and click on Confirm and Proceed button.

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